Journal of Chemical Process Engineering

Journal of Chemical Process Engineering  (JCPE) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal covering various topics of chemical engineering related research. JCPE accepts experimental, analytical, and case study articles of chemical engineering, including chemical process technology, natural resources utilization, food technology, energy technology, etc.

Journal of Chemical  Process Engineering  has ISSN number for printed version No. 2527-4457 and ISSN number for online version No. 2655-2957. JCPE is published by Faculty of Industrial Technology, Universitas Muslim Indonesia. It is published two times a year on May and November.

JCPE submitted manuscripts are checked using a similarity software of Turnitin to prevent plagiarism. The manuscripts are reviewed by two independent experts to assess the academic and scientific quality of the papers. The decision of acceptance or rejection of the papers is made by JCPE editorial board based on a recommendation from the peer-reviewers. The decision of editorial board is final.

The Scope and focus of the journal are :

  1. Chemical and Process Technology
  2. Energy Technology
  3. Coal Technology
  4. Biomass Technology
  5. Fuel and Gas Technology
  6. Separation Technology
  7. Food Technology
  8. Catalyst Technology
  9. Essential Oil Technology
  10. Sugar Technology
  11. Material Technology
  12. Minerals Processing Technology
  13. Powder Technology

Journal of Chemical  Process Engineering accepts original research papers. The papers should be sent directly to OJS System Online Submission System or should be sent electronically via email to

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The History of the Journal


Journal of Chemical Process Engineering began publication in May 2016. It has been accredited by SINTA in the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education through the Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening with Decree Number 28/E/KPT/2019 on October 11th, 2019, with a Ranking of 3. This accreditation is valid until Volume 8 Number 1 in 2023. Based on Decree Number 152/E/KPT/2023, it has been re-established as an accredited scientific journal at rank 3 and is valid until Volume 12 Number 2 in 2027. Starting from Volume 8 Number 2 in 2023, the journal website has switched from the previous to This change is made to enhance service and the publication of scientific journals.

Posted: 2022-06-13

Journal Accreditation of JCPE 2019 (SINTA 3)

Journal of Chemical Process Engineering (JCPE) has Accredited of SINTA in Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi through by Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Number 28/E/KPT/2019 in Oktober 11th, 2019 with Ranking 3.  
Posted: 2019-10-12

Vol 8, No 1 (2023)

Table of Contents

Syarwan Hamid, Andi Aladin, Basri Modding, Takdir Syarif, Lastri Wiyani, Muh Arman
Yeni Variyana, Amelia Sri Rezki, Dewi Ermaya, Mahfud Mahfud
Asyeni Miftahul Jannah, Muhammad Yerizam, Muhammad Yori Pratama, Achmad Reza Aditya Amin
Rahma Muthia
Rizka Octavia, Alfiah Indriastuti, Satriani Napang
Takdir Syarif, Andi Aladin, Basri Modding, Resky Alqadri Rahmatullah, Nurul Makka Mustafa
Flaviana Yohanala Prista Tyassena, Gyan Prameswara, Ahmad Faqih Suherman
Andi Asdiana Irma Sari Yusuf, Sariwahyuni ., Astuti Shinta Nuria, Katrina Yanti Tumanan, Andi Ariatmasanti Aksan, Ratnasari .